Wednesday, March 24, 2010

New Grant for Two Rock 4-H SET Project

Judy Ludovise, Sonoma County 4-H YDP Representative informed me that the Two Rock 4-H Primary SET project has received $1,400.00 in State funding for use on our robotics projects and a 4-H Primary Science Field Day to be held in October 2010.

This is great news, as it means that we'll be able to do more robotics projects as a group, and show other 4-H clubs what we have accomplished.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Meeting #4

On our fourth meeting of the Two Rock 4-H Club SET Robotics project, we took our creativity underwater by building our first underwater remotely operated vehicles (ROV). Modeled after the Marine Advanced Technology Education Center (MATE) "ROV in a box", our mini ROV's were made of PVC tubing, small electrical motors and a control box.

The kids had a great time looking at the minimal instructions that were provided and building the ROV as shown in the photos. We learned about buoyancy and the importance of properly weighting an underwater craft so it can efficiently move. We also learned about propulsion, and the need to mount motors correctly so the craft moves in a predictable way.